Option Do?Auto-Editor allows you to create timeline objects with your files,
however, typing/dragging the file path every time an object is declared
is a pain. What --source
does is map a path to a short and
reusable label. You can use that label to reference the file without
using it’s path.
# Map a path to the label "dog"
--source dog:/Users/wyattblue/Downloads/dog-123.png
Right now, src
only accepts source names and not the
file path directly. This might change in the future. Also, user defined
labels cannot: * Contain
, = . : ; ( ) / \ [ ] { } ' " | # < > & ^ % $ _ @
anywhere * Contain the space character * Start with a with a digit or a
dash (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -
) * Be greater than 55
characters * Contain an invalid UTF-8 character
This is partly because of limitations on file path names,
cough Windows cough, but also to make parsing easy and
forwards compatible. The reason User defined is there is that
paths given to auto-editor without a label are assigned a name,
, 1
, 2
and beyond.
# How you would use `--source` in a real situation
auto-editor movie.mp4 movie2.mp4 --source dog:/Users/wyattblue/Downloads/dog-123.png \
--add image:0,30,src=dog